Welcome to The Fatherless Generation Foundation Inc.

Where we reunite the fatherless and reconcile families

Why We Do What We Do?

1 out of 3 children grows up without their biological father in their home. Fatherlessness creates emotional, psychological, spiritual, and financial issues resulting in negative outcomes:

  • 20 times more likely to have a behavioral disorder

  • 5 times more likely to commit suicide

  • 32 times more likely to run away

  • 10 times more likely to abuse a chemical substance

  • 20 times more likely to end up in prison

The negative statistics around fatherlessness is our why?

TFGF reunites fatherless children with their biological fathers all while providing the resources and services that strengthen, support, and elevate a commitment to fatherhood and family values.
Our efforts go beyond talking about the statistics of fatherlessness to being a solution to a generational problem through our programs and services crafted to reunite fatherless children and their fathers and supporting fathers through their journey to building positive relationships with their children. TFGF uses an out of the box holistic method of providing legal, psychological, and emotional support to absent fathers who desire to become active.


Beyond Fatherless Peer Groups

Beyond Fatherless Peer Groups are a 13-week evidence-based curriculum providing fatherless children with a safe place to express “how they feel” all while equipping them with the tools necessary to overcoming the obstacles created by the absence of their biological fathers. Aspects of the curriculum include topics such as establishing healthy lifestyle choices, character & leadership development, anger management, and healing through journaling.


We are looking for volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of fatherless children; Husband & Wife Mentors, Peer Group Facilitators, Event Planners, and Family Law Attorneys.

Our Testimonial

"Fatherlessness is a mental health issue and it creates one!" -

Dr. Torri J. Evans-Barton